Entertain – Educate – Inspire
So, you want to have success with your blog, get some attention,
help some people and even make some money online?
Well, the minimum you need to do is entertain. Entertain your reader, subscriber, user, whatever you might call them. Your specific audience.
If that means you will be telling stories or jokes, ok, so be it.
When people go online to check out web pages or blogs
>they want to be either entertained,
>they want to learn something or
>they want to get inspired.
So if you can tell a good story, at least people will be entertained, possibly even inspired
(which means they might come back to your blog– yippee!!);
and hey, who knows sometimes your story might be so good they’ll also learn something which…
Yes, I know, you can smell the success already, can’t you?
SO, when you get started with all this blogging, don’t torture yourself, just get cracking and keep in mind to do at least one of the three when you blog:
Entertain, Educate or Inspire.
And, after some time, when you’re real good at it, you might actually do all three at the same time. Amazing natural you are!
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